Once upon a time, commitment rings were all the rage with soldiers going off to war who were leaving their sweethearts at home. Couple exchanged rings, not to signal their engagement, but as a symbol of their love while they were apart.
Now in the 21st century, commitment rings are making a comeback.
Diamonds are all about getting engaged, while gold is associated with marriage. But many couples are finding they want something symbolic, something different, as a token of their love towards each other. And of course, there are now many couples who aren't ever planning on getting married, but would like to express their love with a ring.
So contrary to what some people say, commitment rings, or promise rings as they're also known, aren't just a fancy or new-fangled way of saying 'engagement ring'. They're just about two people finding a symbol of unity as a way to express their feelings towards each other.
So what makes a good commitment ring? Check out these six pointers to help you in your quest for a great ring:
1) Showing your commitment with a ring isn't necessarily about splashing the cash. It's about finding something that expresses a common tie or interest or belief; it's not about making some huge financial investment (you can do that with the engagement ring if everything works out!). And you're in luck because there are some great affordable promise rings on the market.
2) Go for something unique, because you are unique and so is your relationship. What do I mean by unique? Original design is always a winner, or interesting and unusual materials can be real showstoppers. For example, rings made from natural Amazonian seeds that are then inlaid and lined with silver provide an original take on the traditional seed ring. And an original ring design needn't mean it's going to break the bank.
3) There's a lot to be said for going for a complete contrast with anything that might look an engagement or wedding ring. After all, you don't want to give off the wrong message. I have an 18-year old friend whose parents freaked when they saw him wearing a promise ring that looked to them like it was a wedding ring.
4) Fair trade rings show that you care about our world and care about who is making your jewellery. After all, do you really want the rings that symbolise your love to have been made under exploitative conditions?
5) It's best to choose your commitment rings together, unless your partner has complete confidence in your taste and choice!
6) If you or your partner think of jewellery as more of a female thing, fear not. Rings need not be effeminate. Ultimately, a promise ring is not about hard and fast rules, but about finding rings that you are both comfortable with. That's part of their beauty.
Bear in mind these simple pointers when you're choosing your promise rings and you'll have a symbol of your relationship to wear and enjoy!
Nicholas Watson is a fair trade jewellery designer. He is also founder of the ethical fashion jewellery brand Jungle Berry - http://www.jungleberry.co.uk/
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