Basically, a ring is a circular band worn around the finger as an ornament by a man or a woman. It can be made of gemstone, plastic, metal, ceramic, wood, or glass. It can also be made from clay or any other material. Usually precious and semi-precious stones are used to adorn it. Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires are among the most commonly used. In addition, it is classified into different types. Wedding rings, for instance, are the most popular types of rings. They are traditionally worn by couples who vowed to spend the rest of their lives together. They generally represent everlasting love. They are also a means to remind couples of their commitments to each other. Nonetheless, there are also different types of rings used for weddings. Plain golden bands are considered as the standard type while interwoven types are more preferred by the French.
Then, there are engagement bands which are also among the popular types of rings. However, it became a common practice for men not to wear these. Only the women are given expensive and beautiful pieces to show that they are getting married soon. Engagement bands are closely related to wedding bands. They also represent love, but they are mostly insinuations to other men that the women wearing these little jewelries are already taken. So, whenever a man sees a woman wearing an engagement band, he should know that he cannot attempt to woo her. Other popular types of rings are purity rings and promise rings.
Well, purity rings are quite new. These types of rings have only been popular in the previous decades. They are a bit similar to promise rings and are basically worn by Christians. They can be worn by anyone of any age, although teenagers are more likely to wear them. These types of rings symbolize chastity. Anyone who wears a purity ring vows not to have any sexual activity until he or she is married. They should take a look at their rings whenever they are tempted to do such acts. Promise rings, on the other hand, represent promises or commitments. They do not represent particular promises, though. Anything can do as long as it is supposed to be kept. For instance, a man can wear a promise ring to constantly remind himself of his vow not to drink or smoke anymore.
Moreover, there are friendship rings. These types of rings symbolize friendship. They can be worn by a group of friends or be given to people whom they want to be friends with. Friendship ships are usually fancy rings that come in different colors and shapes. These types of rings might not represent romance, but they still represent important relationships.
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